More information to be updated shortly.
Week 1
- Intro to Deep Learning
- Intro to Reinforcement Learning
- Empirical AI Research
- AI-Driven Startups
- Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- AI for Science
- AI Safety
Transformers and Generative AI
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Graph Neural Networks
- Deep Learning Topic
- Reinforcement Learning Topic
- Science Panel
- Startup Panel
Week 2
- Hands-on daily sessions plus tutorials and talks that will help participants with their projects.
Canada CIFAR AI Chair | Associate Fellow, CIFAR Learning in Machines & Brains | Distinguished Research Scientist, DeepMind | Chief Scientific Advisor, Amii | Professor, University of Alberta
Canada CIFAR AI Chair | Fellow, Amii | Director of RLAI, Professor, University of Alberta